Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Just Show Love

I know I've written about this in the past, but with Christmas just around the corner, I feel it is an important time to remember how to treat others. Not just at Christmas time (though people seem to be more rude this time of year), but all year long. Let's think of a few simple rules to follow when around other people, especially those who might get under your skin even though they probably do not intend to do so.

I know we have heard this age old rule for as long as time has been around, but people really do FORGET how important this rule is. I like to call it, "Word vomit" because it comes out of people's mouths without any thought and it causes more pain for some, than they realize. Is what you are about to say true? If it is true, will it help the situation or cause more drama/pain? With that said, is it inspiring people to be better than they are without making them feel badly? Does it really need to be said or can it be left alone? Be kind in everything you say and do toward others. Causing them pain just for a laugh in front of others only makes you look bad and mean. Not only did you cause that person to not feel good about themselves, but you also showed others that you are capable of doing the same to them at some point. 

Love others always and don't try to make yourself feel better by bringing others down. I know a guy who always likes to make others feel badly about themselves. It isn't that he wants to hurt them, he says it is just for fun, but the only person who is enjoying it is the person doing the hurting. Why do you think people "find pleasure" when hurting others? My opinion is they have a low opinion of themselves and think they can make themselves feel better based on making others feel the way they feel. 

So if you can relate to one of these types of people, remember that when people say something negative about you, it is more about themselves than you and if you are on the causing end of the pain, try to THINK before you speak. Making others feel GOOD will help you to feel GOOD! If you HAVE to point out a negative that someone is doing because it is necessary, then try to follow it with a positive so they aren't left feeling defeated or attacked. 


Learning to do something nice for people can be difficult if you've been one of those people who found pleasure in hurting others. I know you never meant it to be hurtful, you were just trying to be funny, but we still have to learn to be kind. So how can turn it around and be kind? Think of something you know would make that person happy. Maybe it's making breakfast for them or picking up a few items from the store you know they need. I have had people do these things for me and it really does make me happy. Most people aren't looking for a handout from others, but maybe baking them a cake just to say "I was thinking of you" or sending a greeting card so they know they are important in your life... these random acts of kindness can truly help them to feel good and in return YOU will feel good, a million times better than the way making others feel BAD made you feel. 

Next time you are in line at the local starbucks drive through, offer to pay for the person in line behind you. it may seem like something simple to you, but for that person it shows them love and that a random person wanted to do something nice for them. It may start a chain reaction and lead to everyone paying for the person in line behind them, brightening everyone's day. I remember a few years back, hearing about a starbucks where this happened and it went on the entire business day. Everyone who bought coffee that day did not pay for their own coffee, but the person behind them. This warmed my heart because any ONE of those people could have just taken the "free" coffee and drove off, but they each chose to pay it forward. Maybe you aren't a coffee fan, so find another way to pay it forward. I know times are tough right now, but if you could spare $20-$100 or so, randomly give it to a family that seems to be struggling. No strings attached, no questions asked, just to show love to that family. Maybe you don't even know them, but you see them in the supermarket and they look like they might need help paying for this in these tough times, just go up to them and give it to them. 

Those 3 rules will not only help others, but they will truly help YOU to find TRUE joy within yourself! God will also be pleased because this is truly loving your neighbor as you would want your neighbor to love you.
If "what goes around comes around" then I think I would rather be kind and have kindness come back to me than be ugly to others and have that ugly come back to me!

Think about it!! 

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